Sensory processing issues are difficulties with organising and responding to information that comes from our senses (e.g., auditory, touch, vestibular, taste and olfactory). Children may be oversensitive to sensory input, under sensitive, or both. These can impact on the child’s function.
If your child is having difficulties processing the sensory information from the world around them, their behaviour may be affected in many ways. They are less likely to be able to achieve their full academic potential, find social interactions difficult and find family activities such as going to restaurant, holidays or going to the cinema distressing. In addition, some children even find normal day-today tasks such as going to school or wearing school uniform and dressing themselves overwhelming.
If your child experience any of following problems, she/he is suitable for a Sensory assessment:
- Easily distracted by noises/smells
- Picky eaters
- Get frustrated easily
- Short attention span
- Poor balance and body awareness
- Sensitivity to touch (only wears certain textures)
- Tries to eat or licks objects
- Fidget when seated at table or desk
- Avoidance of sensory stimulation – They won’t put their hands in anything messy such as glue, clay, or mud. They only wear certain clothes.
- Fear of movement (dislike some of playground equipment and rides)
- Social and emotional problems
- Struggles to identify change in temperature
In High Five Children’s OT, we provide thorough sensory processing assessment and therapy for children from the age of 6 months.
The therapy programme includes:
- Providing sensory strategies to be used at home and school/ nursery.
- Providing training for staff at school to be able to support your child by integrating the sensory strategies at school or nursery.
- Providing emotional regulation programme to help the child to manage the emotional outburst following the sensory overload.
- Providing parents workshop to help parents/carers to understand the child’s challenging behaviour as a result of sensory overload.
If you would like a sensory processing assessment and treatment or need to talk about any of the problems above, please email us at or call 07954322101